About Us

Victoria Khazan is founder of Change Ethic and organizational transformation expert with more than 20 years experience of designing, guiding and executing large-scale, complex strategic initiatives: from organizational to operational restructuring, from driving adoption of new cultures and new technologies to scaling and rethinking service models and ways of working.
Her focus is on whole-systems change, grasping the impact of growth and change on people, their processes and productivity, and guiding every level of the organization from inception through transition to ensuring strategic objectives of the change effort are met.
Change Ethic is a consortium of vetted, respected, leaders across multiple sectors who are guided by our operating principles and bring their individual and our collective passion and knowledge to empower each client.
Chris Murasso has been recognized as a cross-industry thought leader with extensive experience in large-scale customer-centric transformations at the top of Fortune 50 organizations. He has delivered consistent business results from complex enterprise strategies and organizational constructs, with a specific focus on:
Strategy and Change Management, where he developed and refined business models, operating strategies and organization change methods for multiple functions and lines of business.
Client Innovation Centers, where he led the successful planning building and operation of global innovation centers and programs that matched technology and expertise with client needs
Market differentiating offerings, such as enterprise analysis tools developed from the ground up.
Organization development, where he is recognized as a subject matter expert in individual and group organizational dynamics, organizational systems, and process transformation.

And while we're both a little worse for wear from our start as strategy consultants, we bring experience, insight, loyalty, and a pretty decent sense of humor, (not to mention better hair!), to our work... if we do say so ourselves.
Operating Principles
Principle 1 - Discipline of Change
Change capability is learned experience. It is not theoretical or soft -- it's boots on the ground making things happen. Change is difficult for us humans. Navigating and leading change requires a unique skill set combining IQ and EQ (emotional intelligence). However, at the root of change capability is Discipline: a disciplined plan & approach & a disciplined and agile execution.
Principle 2 - Hardwiring Change Capability into the Organization
As technology continues to reshape our world and work, Change Capability can no longer remain the domain of Consultants or a select few leaders in a select few companies. Every initiative is an opportunity to "hardwire" change capability to create resilience, agility, adaptability, and innovation enabling organizationals to stay ahead of the curve.
Principle 3 - Activating Change
To penetrate the organization, you need to reach and impact individuals and people leaders at every level. Leading change often feels like dancing on the edge of chaos. It requires people skills, critical reasoning, discipline, stamina, agility and creativity that can be "activated" & accelerated only through intention, attention & support.
Principle 4 - Accelerating Change
Accelerating this capability is the reason we added Second Nature Workshops to our services. SNW leverages a broad curriculum, and provides a space and process for people to apply change "strategies" to existing challenges, to broaden perspectives, self awareness & experiences; and are dedicated improving the ability to:
React read/respond to their environment,
Act reason/analyze/execute objectively using inputs & data
Interact impact/engage/lead across and up and down organizations